Sunday, October 2, 2016

Transitioning from Military to Civilian Two Years Out

Transitioning from Military to Civilian Two Years Out

There are many considerations to take into account before leaving military service to join the civilian world; even more if you have a family you need to settle as well.  Many service members go through the required separations classes, but few really give my thought to what they can expect once they get out.

For some, transition is easy; transition is difficult for others. Service members sometimes find themselves unemployed; struggling in a changing job market; short on skills, certifications and education; lack of camaraderie; limited ability to adapt to market changes and/or the more me-centric environment, etc. Some of these changes continue for the remainder of your life, so a person needs to learn how to prepare for these kinds of changes.

Each person is different. As a former transition assistance specialist and career planner, here are some considerations when you are two years out. 

Thinking two years out involves is to aid you in your strategic thinking. Strategic thinking is about developing sustainable capacity in order to meet long-term critical goals. For most people, this means finding employment at an entity and location of your choosing.

Identifying the environment and the capacity you need to generate to be successful

1.     What do I want to do?

2.     Where do I want to live?

3.     How much do I need to make to enjoy life on my own terms?

4.     What is my growth potential?

5.     Who can help me get to where I want to go?

6.     What education do I need?

7.     What certifications do I need?

8.     What training do I need?

9.     Will my job become obsolete/devalued?

10.If my job becomes obsolete/devalued what is my bump plan?

11.What is my bump plan?

·        A-If I lose my job?

·        B-If my job becomes obsolete?

These are just a few considerations to take into account two years out; there are many more.

Post updated: 2Oct16

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